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All About Corn

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An ear of fresh corn is a staple at cookouts during summer holidays. Frozen or canned corn is available year-round as a side dish or an addition to soups, salads, salsas, stir-fries, and pasta dishes. Because of its slightly sweet flavor and crisp, juicy texture, corn
is a favorite of adults and children alike. But is there a nutritional benefit to eating corn?
Corn is high in fiber and contains important B vitamins, which have been shown to aid in the prevention of heart attacks and colon cancer and to help improve memory. Corn also contains zeaxanthin and lutein — phytonutrients that help promote the health of the heart and the eyes.


When purchasing fresh corn, look for green husks. Keep the husk intact while storing corn to maintain flavor and freshness, but you should really purchase fresh corn on the day you plan to eat it. To test the corn before purchase, peel back a corner of the husk and make sure the kernels are plump and tightly packed together. Pierce one kernel with a fingernail to check for plumpness — the raw kernel should exude a milky substance, which indicates that your corn will be plump and juicy when you bite into it!


Store husked corn in wet paper bag in a ziploc bag in the fridge.


To cook simply, wrap fresh ears of corn, without husks, in waxed paper and microwave for 2 minutes. Corn also tastes great cooked on the grill if you like a slightly smoky flavor. Just soak the corn, in the husks, for 30 minutes, and then grill with the husks on. Or my favorite: boil corn for 5 minutes without husks. Drop husked corn in boiling water and cook five minutes.

Fresh From the Freezer

Who says you can't enjoy a sweet ear of corn when it's snowing outside? It's simple to freeze your fresh ears of corn for later consumption. To freeze whole ears of corn, start by blanching them for 5 minutes each (depending on size), to break down the enzymes that might destroy their nutrients. After blanching, place corn in an ice-water bath for a few minutes to keep it from cooking further. Drain and dry on towel. This stops enzyme from converting sugars to starches. Place in a plastic freezer bag, press out the air, for up to one year. When ready to serve, just microwave for 3 to 4 minutes or boil in
water for 5 to 6 minutes.

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